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Results for "blessing "
Meeting the Moment as a Friend This is one of my favorite practices. It's one that Sylvia Boorstein, one of our Living Spiritual Teachers, uses regularly — reciting, usually silently, these two sentences: "May I meet this mo…
Destined to Fly Question Each of us must ask ourselves one question: What am I doing to increase the sum of hope in the world? — Arthur Burns quoted in Hope Notes by R. Wayne Willis Mystic Wisdom If you…
Praise Song for the Pandemic In times that strain our resources, our energy, and our resilience, we need refreshment of spirit more than ever. The following prayer by Christine Valters Paintner — an American poet and writer l…
A Prayer for Holiday Shoppers The December holidays mean that millions of people all over the world will head out to malls, department stores, and shops to purchase gifts. In the United States, the shopping frenzy started on "Bl…
What Life Is About Christian Wisdom "Help" is a prayer that is always answered. It doesn't matter how you pray -- with your head bowed in silence, crying out in grief, or dancing. Churches are good for prayer, but …
Daily Kindness Buddhist Wisdom Take care of the body. Respect and love it, and it will give you all that is required on your journey. — Donald Altman in Reflect Definition Respect is love in plain …
Patience & Courtesy & Airplane Travel We don't fly very often but when we do we are extremely aware of the many and varied chances to do spiritual practices before and during a flight. Here are a few of them, which we recommend to you f…
When Love Happens Jain Wisdom We can make the sorrow and suffering into a compost out of which the roses of joy can grow. — Satish Kumar in The Way of Wisdom Tibetan Wisdom Peaceful living is about trusti…
I Will Sing to You Practice See yourself as a source of happiness for others. You can't "make" them happy but you can certainly affect their quality of life through your own good humor and goodwill. — Stephani…
Everything is Connected Jewish Wisdom If everything is connected to everything else, then everyone is ultimately responsible for everything. We can blame nothing on anyone else. The more we comprehend our mutual interde…